Delivery Policy
Every bouquet is arranged by our professional designers and hand-delivered as quickly as possible.
Most of our products can be delivered the same day. To assure same-day delivery, orders must be received before 12:00 pm. Orders received after 12:00 pm may be delivered the next day. We will do our best but not guarantee specific time of delivery. For major holidays, we recommend that you place your orders at least 3 days in advance.
If recipient not at home, we will leave the bouquet behind the entrance (gate, door, etc ). If you have specific instructions for the delivery of your bouquet, please note them in the Special Delivery Instructions field during checkout.
Occasionally, if flowers or containers are not available, they will be substituted by similar or higher value products.
After you place an order, you'll receive an order confirmation e-mail. Please review and make sure all the information are correct. To show our appreciation, you'll receive a Thank You e-mail from